Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3, 2012 - A Day of Grins, GRRR's and Great Decisions

It all began when I woke up, hearing the weather forecast and trying to decided what to wear that was warm and not too unflattering. I chose a seldom worn pair of jeans and a red sweater. I thought I looked okay, although seems my pants waist had shrunk since the last time I wore them a few weeks ago and my sweater hugged me just a bit tighter then I am comfortable with. But alas, at least I was warm. I took Anna to the eye doctor and then went in to work a bit late. The whole day I felt awkward and uncomfortable, which made me grouchy, which made me withdraw and retreat into quietness, which finally led me to make a decision. I have decided to get back on program and do Weight Watchers again. I know it works if I just pay attention to it. This past year my weight has risen more than the usual up/down fluctuations I tend to experience. I contribute a big factor to my cake pop business - not the business but the many samples I seem to have eaten during each pop order process. I thought back over the past year as Goodiebites, my cake pop company, grew. With all the pops I myself was popping my waistline grew as well. The cracked ones that didn't make it to the customer, the ones that weren't exactly even, or the color was off, or the stick was askew.... All those long lonely night popping sessions when I needed a sugar rush to keep me going, or wanted to sample, and sample again, and one last pop.... Yep, I can see where a few of those pounds came from. Plus not getting the proper amount of rest. And then there's exercise - oh how I hate to exercise!
While shopping yesterday with my girls, I kept seeing different items that I wold love to wear but not on this shape of mine. I was reminded of 4 years ago when I lost 19 pounds on WW and walked into H&M and didn't hafta look all the way in the backs of the rack at the bigger sizes. I walked out with so many clothes and had the best summer ever. Well, that's what I want again - a summer that tops even that one. So y'all, here goes my first on-blog commitment of 2012 - I will join WW next Monday ( the best meeting time for me) and be accountable to this blog and all who read it to get healthier. Lose a few pounds (or more), move more, and become the fitter Lisa I know I can be. I hope you all will cheer me on, inspire me, and even comfort me if at times I slip. Then in the summer we'll have a big pool party - although someone else will hafta supply the pool- and make 2012 the Summer to Remember.
As for now, I think I'll get started on that more rest and sleep thing. Goodnight :)

- me

PS - check out my cake pop website at www.goodiebites.com and order some today. They really aren't as bad as I make them seem in this blog, unless you eat hundreds of them in a short amount of time. And then we'd need to have a little chat. Hey, next week I'll try and figure out how many WW points each pop is....Hmmmmm, maybe I'll even come out with a new Cake Pop Diet book. I'll frolic naked on the cover in a sea of cake pops and call it 'Rollin' In The Dough'. Okay, wait - lemmie spend a few months on Weight Watchers before this frolicking begins. Oh boy, I'm gonna give myself nightmares now! Goodnight for real!!


  1. LOL you are too funny. What was that movie the Calender Girls or something like that? The weird thing is I can totally see you doing it..frolicking naked in a sea of cake pops. Have a gd pm + I'm routinf for you!

  2. Lol.....frolicking....love it

  3. Guess I shoulda said a sea of cake balls as opposed to pops. Those sticks would kinda hurt! Thanks guys for checking out my nonsense here each day. Hope it gives y'all a chuckle now and then :)
