Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday February 20, 2012 - The Tongue

Hey I'm back again. Two days in a row. Woo hoo for me - and you :). Monday night wrap-up - had a great day off. Made challah French toast, whipped cream, and bananas foster for breakfast for the family and Anna's friend and her mom who are visiting from the Netherlands. I only had one piece with a bit of orange - its Monday and weigh-in day at WW so I'm extra careful on Monday's. Then I just spent the day leisurely - worked on some new cake pop ideas, played games with the girls, and then headed to Manhattan for the dreaded day with the scale. Well turns out I lost .6 this week :). Surprise surprise!!! I'm down 8.2 and I am prepped and ready this week to be down 10 next week. Let's see what happens.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about the sermon this past Sunday. We are studying the book of James and this week we read James 3:1-12. These verses talk about our tongues and how out of the same mouth come praises and curses. In verse 5 it says- "Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark." The pastor brought up the saying we learned as kids about stick and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. How untrue that saying is. Physical wounds heal but words said against us stay in our minds and hearts for a very long time, some never going away. And the words we say about others can affect not only them but even others perception of them when we gossip. It was all so deep yet so simple and true. I personally can remember something hurtful said to me almost 20 years ago and when I see that person the sentence always comes back to my mind. Words really do scar our insides. We should use our words to lift others up, to defend others when people speak ill of them, to give praise and words of encouragement. The pastor challenged us to go a week without grumbling and complaining, without gossiping, without speaking negatively of others, without boasting about ourselves, not to make excuses, and to basically control our tongues. Upon leaving church, I got my eyebrows threaded ( basically plucked with a string for those of y'all who don't know). The lady was very slow which made the pain more uncomfortable. As soon as I left I began to complain to my boyfriend about it. But then I remembered what I heard only minutes earlier. To which of course I replied, I'm not complaining, I'm just staing the facts. Lol. I guess that makes it ok? No it doesn't....well....whatever. The point is our words have very powerful effects. When we are negative, we affect others moods and feelings as well. Whether we are putting someone down behind their back, which skews other perceptions of that person, or being negative right to someone such as judging them or spewing angry words we don't really mean in a moment of rage, our words really do have impact. The same can go in reverse- we can give a compliment that brightens someone's day- even a stranger, or defend someone being spoken poorly of, or lavish praise and affection on someone we love who we may not show it to enough. How many times in the past day did you complain and grumble as opposed to the amount of times you complimented, praised, or simply made someone smile? It's something to think about. I keep having to check myself when I start to open my mouth negatively. It's another stumbling block I have to work on as I'm sure we all do. So think about it before you say it. Will it help, or will it harm? We can't take back the words we speak. There's no rewind and erase button. So take a moment before you complain, curse, grumble, argue, yell, degrade, or begin a negative sentence. Really, what will it all mean in the end? Let's all take the challenge.
Let me know how you do :)


- me

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday February 19, 2012 - I just learned.....

Oh my gosh! I just learned NEVER to type a long long long blog post on your iPad and then go to another open tab without saving and/or publishing your post! I just lost everything I typed so now to start all over again. Deep breath Lisa. Breathe in, breathe out.......&7)?7ygv7)?7&7(uhvukhvyiytvkn7(;46: okay I'm ready.......

Seems its been a long while since I last wrote so I guess there's lots to catch you up on. Life has just been kinda busy lately and when it's not too crazy it means it's time to sleep! So that about sums it all up. Lol

Let's begin with Weight Watchers. So yes, I have kept my commitment and have gone each week since I signed up. The first week I lost 4.2, then another 1.4, next week was 1.2 and another 1.2 the week after. That brought me down 8 pounds. But then last week I gained .4. So not as bad as I thought but I know I wasn't being on target the days before weigh-in. I was making tons of cake pops and eating a few more than I should. Plus when there's lots of cake pop activity going on there is less home-cooking so easy meals or take-out food suddenly appears. Tomorrow is my next weigh in and I expect to have another slight gain. Yeah I'm human. And though I haven't been keeping track, I have been paying attention. I know when I'm over indulging or when I'm taking care properly so it's not like it ever comes as a surprise either gain or loss. But I went grocery shopping and am back on target for next week. I'm not giving up. It's all a part of life. Each of has our ups and downs, some days and weeks better than others no matter what our circumstances. As far as Goodiebites, that's definitely been an up lately. We had a big Valentines Day cake pop order from Salvatore Ferragamo, the fashion design company. That netted us another nice order just a day later. Another highlight this week was sending a box of Valentines pops to Elvis Duran and the morning crew at Z-100. Not only were they talking about them and eating them on the air, but then my sister called and was on the air speaking with Elvis and promoting Goodiebites. That also got us a big order for April. This was all on top of a nice slew of Valentines orders and this week we have a few birthday orders going out. Slowly we are growing and now we are working on a few new flavors and designs as well as holiday themed pops for St Patricks Day and Easter so like us on Facebook and stay tuned.

I'm trying to figure out what the next steps are with Goodiebites - what is my end goal? A store? Internet only sales? A pop truck? Nahhh, not a truck. But I'm just still unsure what my vision is- and that sucks. Without the vision there's nothing to look ahead to. So that's my goal for the next few days- to figure where I want to take Goodiebites as we grow. I'm so happy to have tomorrow off. That will give me time to work on those new designs hopefully and perhaps it will inspire me with some direction for the future.

Okay all this talk about food has made me want some dinner. Let's go see what healthy meal I can rustle up.

I'll work harder on blogging more and slacking less - in a variety of areas!


Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012 - Step By Step

Funny how fast time goes between blogs! Sorry I've been negligent here. It was best friends weekend and I got to hang with my incredible besties so please forgive me. So here it is, week 2 of doing Weight Watchers completed. Let me begin by saying that I have had everything I want this past week. That's the beauty of Weight Watchers - its just learning how to stop when your satisfied as opposed to gorging just because it tastes good. I went out to Mama's Food Shop - a southern food restaurant - for dinner Thursday. Then to Spice Thai for lunch on Friday and out to La Dinastia which is a Chinito place ( that's what I call it when Chinese people serve both Chinese and Spanish food) Friday evening. I decided to make wise choices and had roast chicken and roasted veggies at Mama's, chicken w veggies and brown rice at Spice - and even had the crispy spring roll appetizer, and chose a pan fried chicken breast over salad at Dinastia. I also enjoyed some stuffed peppers that Amy made, some chocolates that Lynne gave Daniel, and even a piece of rugalah at church coffee hour. All that said - I lost 1.4 pounds this week :). So two weeks makes 5.2 pounds gone :) That's like a bag of potatoes if you think about it. Okay, odd comparison but yeah, that's pretty cool. I'm not encouraging the indulgences. It was just for this special weekend. But even in those indulgences I tried to make wise choices while giving myself allowance to live and enjoy. So yeah, I'm pretty proud of me. Little steps on the big long winding road.
And I also took some me time yesterday. It's not something I normally do but know I need to get into the habit of. Even God took a day to rest. I used my time to clear old emails and catch up with some people I spoke of neglecting a few blogs back. And then it happened - I became an addict! A addict. Oh my goodness! I spent hours just looking at the photos there and posting and pinning my own and then reposting others pins. It's basically a photo sharing site of various pictures from the web according to your interests. I looked at baking pics, graffiti, sarcastic quote pics, foods I want to cook - hours and hours went by. And there I sat again today at work on my iPad doing it all over again. ( check it out if you don't already know about it - you do have to 'request an invite' to become a member which takes a few days but it's well worth it). It's so much fun and free and addicting - and not fattening at all!

My little steps towards losing weight, making time for me, and interacting with people via the world wide web have all been small successes for myself this past week. Woo hoo for me!

Stay tuned......hopefully there's more successes coming soon :)

- me

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 18, 2012 - Friends Near and Far, Old and New, and YOU

Life is so weird. Okay that's a pretty broad statement and maybe not even accurate. I guess I don't know the word I am looking for but whatever it is would encompass all the twists and turns in life and the stuff we pick up- or leave behind- along the way. If you think back over your life, I'm sure you'd forget many people that have influenced or enriched you along the way - some forgotten intentionally while others maybe just slip your mind. Within the past few years my circle of friends has grown from like 2 to maybe about 50. Okay really who can count - maybe its 50 or maybe 500, but regardless each one I can say I have honestly learned something from that helps me be a better person (I hope). So why is it that I tend to take these people for granted? Not that I use them or abuse them but just get so caught up in myself that I neglect them. I have a pen pal from Germany whom I used to write to all the time - back in the day of paper and pen and the postal service. Yet now with this new technology I hardly even electronically send her a Hi. Or the girl (lady? Woman?) whom over some weird intertwining in our own lives I became good friends with. More than just friends - we shared a lot. But then she moved away and yet again in the age and ease of instant messages and lightening fast emails I am still neglectful of that relationship as well. I recently heard from her- sounds like a lot going on in her life, and I feel like I've missed so much of the sharing and caring we used to have. These days with Facebook - and blogging- we get to share little bits and pieces of our lives. Yet the true investment in real relationships seems to dwindle day by day. We update our status, make our little comments, repost things we've come across, even tell people where we are by clicking the 'check in' box - but really, how much of ourselves are we really allowing others to know, and how connected are we to our friends lives? Okay great that you are at Starbucks (me) but when's the last time you invited one of your friends over to sit down with you over coffee and catch up on old times? A lady in my church whom I had become close to keeps suggesting we do this but life keeps interrupting our plans. Yet we never know when one day may be the last chance we have to reconnect with people who have touched our lives. I want to start building upon the foundations I've started over the years. So don't be surprised if out of the blue you get a text, email, or maybe even an old fashioned letter in the mail from me. Like flowers need water, my relationships need nourishment. On that note, I'm gonna go write my pen-pal a little note. And you, yeah, YOU - don't forget me :) Send me a note, update me with your life, or simply say Hi. Promise I'll respond :) I miss YOU and want to hear what's new, exciting, or just ordinary in your life. Let's share..... Sharing is caring :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 16, 2012 - Temptation

Today was my first week weigh-in at Weight Watchers. Down 4.2 lbs. Guess that's a pretty good start. It was a real good week of making much better choices. Spaghetti squash instead of real spaghetti, bagel thin flats as opposed to full bagels and rolls, one egg scrambled and nuked in the microwave instead of two bought from a greasy deli, (and one in puffs up and is even fuller than two eggs scrambled in a pan believe it or not!), a lot of fruits and veggies as opposed to candies and cakes. Yeah it was a good week. Only the beginning in a long journey, but thanks to the meetings and church I'm pretty ready to do this. See, church this past Sunday was on the topic of temptation. And in a weird happenstance that was also the topic at WW. The pastor spoke of ways to handle temptation, one being not to just not think about the tempting thing, because in trying to not think about it makes us still think about it in trying to not think about it ( did that make sense?) A better solution is to replace or remove the temptation. Replace those tempting things with things that are good and worthwhile instead of dwelling on the feelings of depravation. Or flee the tempting thing altogether when possible. This can apply to habits, addictions, environments, relationships, jobs - whatever it is that causes you to take a negative downturn. It gave me food to think about Sunday and made me think about food today. It all applies the same. The parallels are very similar - clean out your mind mentally, clean out your pantry physically. Don't patronize places that cause you to be tempted to do harm either mentally, emotionally or physically nor places that are filled with artery clogging physically harmful foods. Refocus on God when tempted mentally and physically, refocus on healthy veggies and sweet fruits when tempted food-ily, etc etc
So there you have it, my spiritually, mental, emotional, and nutritional sermon all rolled into one.



Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 14, 2012 - Little Blessings

Oops! Seemed I skipped a blog last night. Truth be told being on Weight Watchers and eating healthier just in these past few days has given me more energy and I've been staying up pretty late this week watching tv, cleaning, gathering tax papers, etc. Well last night it finally caught up with me and I crashed. It was still kinda late when I drifted off and then I kept waking up in the night. I am addicted to this new iPhone game called Scramble with Friends - similar to Boggle - and all night long I kept having dreams that it was my turn and I was making moves. It was so annoying yet kinda funny. Anyway, that's totally off tonight's topic.
Here it is, 11:18pm, and my daughters are together, cleaning their bathroom. Okay so it's not exciting or anything special to the average person. But to me as a mom it puts a smile on my face and joy in my heart. Not because they are cleaning, although heck yeah that's terrific! But it's the relationship they have that brings me happiness. Annabelle is 10. An intelligent, funny, sometimes nerdy and quirky kinda kid. She loves to knit, read, play word games, do math, help me bake, and just hang around the house. Amber on the other hand is 19. She's a college student at FIT, has an internship with a fashion designer (who has made dresses for celebrities), has had the same boyfriend for like 4 years, was once manager at American Apparel while she was only 17 and still in HS, and was even invited and spoke at a pharmaceutical conference in Texas along with Montel Williams and Wynonna Judd. Both my daughters are amazing in themselves, and yet put them together and it's just a beautiful thing. I love hearing them laugh in their room in the morning while getting dressed, and seeing them singing the same songs and being silly around the house. The way they clean their room together, or play games on their iPhones against each other while they are sitting two feet away. They share similar interests and humor, and the booboo sensitivity they seem to have both inherited from me as well. 9 years difference and yet that seems to not be a factor. Annabelle's maturity combined with Ambers nurturing spirit make for a great sister relationship, and I am so proud and so blessed to be their mom. ( Even though Amber just told me she doesn't read my blogs! Shame on her!) Okay so maybe I sound like I'm being biased or bragging.... Well maybe so but I have every reason to. :). I thank God for entrusting me with these two beautiful kids and hope they will always remain close. ( and that someday that punk Amber will read my blog and see what's she's missing!)


Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12, 2012 - 25 Things About Me

Back a few years ago my buddies on Facebook were all filling out these personal surveys. I was thinking about those today and remembered one that was pretty open and deep. I pulled it up and am going to share it here on a google blog for all the world to see. Pretty brave huh? But do keep in mind, it is over 3 years old.. Ok here it goes -

1. I am a simple person - well, I suppose this is something many DO know about me. But I am not into makeup, manicures, fancy restaurants, brand names.... although I love these things as occassioanl treats, they are just that. I enjoy the simple things in life such as looking at the moon, reading, taking long walks ( when it's warmer! ), cuddling and watching TV, playing games with my daughters..... just enjoying the basic things and what God has given me in nature.

2. I am a Christian although at times - many times - I know my words and actions don't convey that. I am a member of Trinity Baptisti Church in Manhattan and teach the 4/5 year old Sunday school class there most Sundays at 9:30am. ( Don't ask me how I make it on time after hanging out with you guys till the wee hours on Saturday nites!) But I feel like I need to do more than just be a " Sunday Christian" and truly let God shine more through me by being more obedient to Him and patiently allowing Him to guide me instead of taking everything into my own hands and rushing forward.....

3. ....which I guess leads me to #3 - I am a pretty impatient person when it comes to certain things- like people who stand still for no apparent reason on a downward moving escalator during rush hour! HELLLLOOOOOO - I gotta get to to work so MOVE IT!. And people who drive soooo sloooowly up the block as you are deciding to cross with a red light - make up your mind already ! - will I make it or will you run me over??? I hate waiting for an answer, or people who begin a story, and then say "I'll tell you the rest later" or " there's something on my mind but I can't tell you right now" - Then why did you start it in the first place??? . GRRRR!!!! And worst of all - 60 minute weekly tv shows that need a winter break and a summer hiatus! Whats that about?? If " All My Children" can be fresh and new 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year, why can't you give me a new hours worth of "Grey's Anatomy" each week as well?? Yet, other times I am so patient, like when it comes to baking and decorating a cake ( my true passion in life)... I could spend hours and hours getting it 'just right' and it's relaxing for me. It's funny - I am sitting here trying to think of at least one more thing I am patient about... and I can;t come up with ANYTHING ! LOL

4. My mother was my best role model in life. Good things and bad. She died almost 3 years ago of cervical cancer. I sat with my sister and one of my two brothers in the hospital room and watched as she tooks her last breaths. She made her own decision that she was "ready to go HOME" . She had polio as a baby - right before the vaccine was available- and had a tough childhood. Was told she would never walk without some type of brace, and yet went on to be on the soccer team, the basketball team, and was teachers pet in gym, defying the odds. She raised 4 children without much help - any help at all really- from any of the fathers. Had bouts with drug addiction and alcoholism, moreso before I came along. As she got older she needed the aid of crutches and then a wheelchair. Then in the fall of 2004, at age 66, she found out she had cervical cancer. ( contracted it and it is preventable, but thats another story for another day) Had to go for daily radiation treatments, in her wheelchair, all throughout the winter mind you. Yet she never felt sorry for herself through any of it. Never missed a day of work, never abused 'the system', never cried "why me?".... she had become a born again believer many years back and always knew God would take care of her every need. And He really did, until her very last moment. In the hospital my mom wasn't too coherant - could hardly understand, and when she did, she could hardly speak. Yet two of the few things she did understand and respond to - my little Annabelle said "I love you" and my mom replied" I love you too" - so clearly and dearly. And later I told me mom how she did " a good job with us kids" to which she responded " I know". It made me laugh and yet I am glad she passed knowing that she was loved and appreciated.

5. Okay, something less serious - and don't think badly of me for it - I don't wash my feet much during winter. Let me explain - my feet are in socks and shoes all day, and then slippers at home. I take a shower EVERY day, lots of times twice a day - and I wash from head to - well, to ankles - i just figure the soap will continue down and circle my feet , and I dont wanna get all slippery and fall. in the summer it's a must considering I live in flip-flops.... but winter, well, not so much. And no - they don't smell! Hmm....maybe this 25 things thing wasn't such a good idea after all! LOL

6. My daughter Amber is 16 and is my best friend. She and I share so much...even though at times we can be distant, we both know that we can count on each other at any time for any reason. We have been through so much together - sometimes I wish I could go back and erase some of the stuff I have put her through. As I watch her grow into adulthood, I can already feel her slipping away. But even still, I know we will always be best friends no matter what life may throw at us. I am truly blessed that God has entrusted me to raise not only a daughter, but given me a truly wonderful friend.

7. The thing I could eat as a staple for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day - CEREAL. I love a wide variety of them. As a kid my favorite was Fruity Pebbles - which I now detest! My mom used to take Frosted Shredded Mini Wheats and put milk and a little butter and heat them in the microwave - YUM!!! As an adult, my favorite is Quaker Oat Squares, although I can still get down with Honey Combs, Apple Jacks, Honey Nut Cheerios, or a simple bowl of Corn Flakes but only skim milk on my cereal. Whole milk is like glue and onlu good for hot coffee ( right 'Cisco? LOL)

8. I have always struggled with insecurites as to my weight. I look back at the countless times I joined Weight Watchers ( 2 years ago being most recent where I lost 19 pounds). On one hand it gives me comfort to see that I have remained in the same weight rage give or take 5 pounds since before I even got pregnant with my oldest daughter 17yrs ago. ( At present I am on the under-side of that number thank goodness) Yet on the other hand, I get annoyed that I can't stay motivated long enough to get rid of those extra pounds. I try to think of myself the way God does - as the child He created in His image and loves and sees as beautiful no matter what. I don't judge people by their outward appearance and yet for me I never feel 'pretty' enough. If only you could see me try to prepare for a simple A&D gathering - trying on each and every item in my closet to see which one looks "least fat" on me! ( and those few who have experienced me do this know what I mean). I must open and close that closet door about 20 times - always thinking maybe something new has magically appeared in there. It is only very recently that I have begin to accept myself for who I am - faults and all -with a little help from some of you. So thanks... there's still a lot more work to be done.

9. I have declared bankruptcy twice - I'll leave it at that.

10. I have never dated a white man - I'll leave that one at that too.

11. I have been a birthing partner to one of my best friends and watched her baby being born. Cool!

12. mini facts - I have lived in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, and almost the Bronx ( Washington Heights - kinda Bronx-y??? ) before settling in Roosevelt Island;, my 2 daughters and I myself were all born in the same hospital ( St Vincents in Manh) ; I don't like cherries but LOVE cherry-garcia frozen yogurt, and I dont like avocados but LOVE guacamole; I'd rather IM than talk to on the phone; my favorite TV shows of all time is a tie between Facts of Life and Melrose Place; I wear a size 9 shoe - and HATE sneakers ('cept when working out- and we all can see how much i do THAT) cuz they don't feel 'feminine' to me for some reason; I've always wanted to move to Vermont; I am geographically and history-aly challenged and never paid much attention to those subjects; I love Starbucks green tea lattes and pumpkin spice lattes as occassional treats; i enjoy watching Jeopardy! and think Wheel of Fortune is a waste of time; I can't swim well ( no comments about 'floatation' please! ); God's best fruit - a mango:

13. My first experience with alcohol was at age 14 , sitting with Amy Frank and my other friend Lynne Freeman and drinking a Passion Fruit Calvin Cooler. I got all giddy and Amy kept shhhhing me to be quiet so her mom wouldn't hear us. After that I really didn't drink much - till hanging out with you A&D people!

14. I have been in an abusive relationship - emotioanlly and physically at times - not too extreme, yet any abuse is still abuse.

15. My father was married when I was conceived. His name is not even on my birth certificate. We had very little contact when I was younger, only seeing me when he knew his wife wouldn't find out. He would send money for Christmas and my birthday, and took care of my dental bills ( weird!). He moved to Florida when I was about 16 and then would call or write sometimes. His wife knew about me, yet didn't want him to have anything to do with me. And him, being termed by mom as "wishy washy" , did his best to "obey" her wishes as far as she knew. Which meant me NOT calling him. He and I had many a conversation about religion - him being Jewish ( although not practicing) and me being Christian. In a weird twist, as my mom was in the early stages of her illness, my brother told us a joke to lighten the mood. It went kinda like this - " 2 bears find 3 men in the woods. They tell the men that they are gonna eat them and if they have any final words. The first man scribbles a note to be left for his wife, and then the bears eat him. The second man says a heartfelt farewell to his other friend, and then gets eaten as well, The third man says " Wait, I am a Christian"... so before they eat him, the bears pause and say grace." Such a stupid joke ( and I didnt even tell it right) but I relay it to my dad in an email. He writes back how he's not a Christian and to stop " forcing" my religion on him!! From that day forward he never spoke to me again.....

16. I have been on 2 cruises in the past 2 years - one 5day to Canada and the other a 4day to Mexico. Am hoping to do a longer one sometime although I haven't figured out a destination yet.

17. I was raised with the biblical principle of "never take the Lord's name in Vain". It was a rule in our home and if ever spoken, the offender would have their mouth washed out with Tide.( I never did it, but saw the results when my siblings did). I hate it when I hear others do it. Imagine every time something went wrong, people would yell " Oh _______ !!!" ( fill your name in the blank) as if YOU are the reason for the problem. GRRRR it drives me crazy!

18. My dream would be to take a year off from my everyday life and attend the French Culinary Institute and learn everything about baking and decorating cakes without having to worry about tuition, child-care, work, or anything else.

19. I have a pen-pal from Germany named Helga who I met through responding to a letter she wrote to a store that used to be located in the apartment building my mother lived in. We began corresponding over 10 years ago and she even came and stayed at my apartment for a week a few years back. It was a great experience and I did touristy things I had never done even though I was born and raised here in NYC.

20. I used to chase my cat around when i was kid with a broom handle. She would get so scared that when I put down the broom I could hold her and she wouldn't move. It was my way of getting attention since my mom worked the midnite to 8am shift as a deskclerk and slept during the day, and my brothers were out doing their own things, so Smokey was my only friend.

21. Ha! Speaking of friends - I used to have an imaginary friend named Mary Ann. Whenever I did something wrong , I'd say " it wasn't me, it was Mary Ann". ( hmmm.... i guess mom never seemed to buy it since I was the one to receive the punishment)

22. I have 3 scars on my forehead, although I've never had any stitches. First was when i was like 3 and I was running to show my mom a picture I colored and ran smack into a corner wall. It bled like crazy, and my mom slapped a band-aid on it and said " it'll be fine". Second was when i was watching TV at a neighbors house and leaning on the wooden handrest and it came loose. It fell into the small garbage pail next to the chair and swung up and hit me in the forehead. Once again my mom slapped a Band-Aid on it. The smallest and last one came from the abuser and lucky for me I dont even remember what caused it. Live and learn........

23. I am usually a nite owl...I just wish i could/would learn to sleep later after being up so late. My internal clock will wake me ( when my daughter doesn't!) at like 8:30am and if I sleep past 9, I usually feel as if I've wasted the day.

24. My favorite month is September and my favorite season is the fall. I love the kids excitement in going back to school, pulling out my comfy sweaters, getting ready for the holidays, and watching the leaves change and fall from the trees. And the best part is when the red cups get into circulation at Starbucks, That's a true sign for me that the holidays are begining and my first Peppermint Mocha latte brings a smile to my face.

25. I am not into chain letters, FB applications, nonsensical (sp?) questionaires, and things of that sort, but this has been kinda interesting. I see myself as an open book, never one to hide things about myself..... which kinda made this task a little challenging since I kinda think most people who know me know most of this stuff already. I haven't re-read this since it has taken me like 5 hours to complete as I am working at the same time ( LOL ) so please forgive any grammar/spelling errors. But now that all is said and done, I encourage ya'll to so it as well.... you may re-discover some things about yourself that you forgot, and want to share some of that with us as well.

Haha. After re-reading all this, most of it is still true. Hey, don't judge me :)


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11, 2012 - Date Night

Date night ..... Time alone with my man - ohhhh laaa laaa.........

- me

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10, 2012 - Setting the Tone

Well first of all, today was day one on Weight Watchers. I feel very good and in control and happy and I still have points left over as I sip a nice smoothie. Gooooo Meeeee!!!!! I had oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, a delicious veggie and noodle soup and crackers for lunch, more fruit as a snack, and spaghetti squash with meat and sauce for dinner. Plus I snacked on cherry tomatoes and am having a vanilla berry smoothie. Okay not that you really cared, but when I look at it it sounds like a lot, and yet it was all healthy and wise choices. I'm proud. Haha. That's what I was gonna originally blog about and then changed my mind and yet I still went on a bout it anyway. Oh well. It's MY blog right? In an ironic twist I am watching the Laverne & Shirley episode where they go to a weight-loss health spa :)
Back to 'setting the tone'. Though our minds and thoughts are our own, our feelings and emotions are definitely greatly influenced by our surroundings. I can be in a bad mood and it can change in an instant when I see my daughters. Or conversely I can be in a great mood, happy go lucky, and then hear the sarcastic tone of a coworker speaking rudely to a customer on the phone and it takes my mood to minus 20. Sometimes I wish I just didn't care. That nobody could affect me in negative ways, especially when the negativity doesn't even involve me at all. And yet there it is. I hafta wonder if it is something one can really truly control - build a positive mental wall that nobody can break down to keep the negative out. Maybe more like a force field where all the crap is still out there floating around but doesn't touch us and bring us down. Guess I'm just dreaming. But I will try to remember my dream tomorrow when I am once again affected by the negative, and perhaps envision that force field and keep a smile not only on the outside but within as well. Wish me luck. Seems every day is a day one for something or other.

- me

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9, 2012 - Ehhhhh

So I did it. I joined Weight Watchers today- my first blog-promise fulfilled. Tomorrow begins day one of a new journey and yet it's a journey I've started before. Hopefully this time I can get to the finish line. It all goes back to the cycles I was referring to in yesterday's blog. after the meeting I came home and Daniels had cooked dinner so I was able just to relax a bit. I worked on some Valentines Day cake pop ideas but now am feeling kinda tired so I'm not writing much at all tonight. Actually this is it for me. Zzzzzzz.......Goodnight.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8, 2012 - Undressing

Before you get any ideas, the item being undressed today was our Christmas tree. It was kinda depressing. Just such an opposite feeling of that initial holiday season emotional rush. September is my favorite month. The school year begins, fall and cool weather is coming, and the holiday magic begins- not to mention all my favorite shows return from summer hiatus. Then October brings new recipies and baking things with pumpkins and apples and spices, plus all the fun of figuring out the type of Halloween cake pops we will be making at Goodiebites. November kicks in the family spirit of the holidays with Thanksgiving and get-togethers, chilly nights and cuddling with the family, and of course Black Friday (thank heaven for the cyber version cuz being trampled at 4am at Wal*Mart just doesn't do it for me.) and thenswoon it's December - woo hoo. Planning gifts for friends and loved ones, feeling stressed and overwhelmed yet welcoming it all with joy inside, and the annual Christmas tree. Every year we shop around and purchase a live (well before they cut it down it was alive) tree. And each year as we take out the huge box filled with different tree and home decorations - the porcelain moving Little Drummer Boy that my mom bought me years ago, the musical Nutcracker Suite music box with actual scenes that change and curtains that open and close - another mom gift- all the specialness of this time of year stirs inside each one of us. We string all the lights on the tree and then add the decorations. We add the ornaments - the ones that the kids got at different times in life, the little wood ones we hand-colored, the mini ones that really belong moreso on a teeny plastic table-top tree, and their favorite - the deer head. It seems to have popped off of one of the little hollow deer ornaments we have but the kids don't want to put it back together. So each year they just stick the little Barbie-doll size deer head on the tip of a branch and the kids always giggle at it. Then we turn off the house lights and plug in the tree lights and all stand in quiet awe just for a few minutes to admire the colors and scent of the season. As the days went on and the gifts piled up, we joked that we may need a second tree just to put more presents under. And finally Christmas morning came. As we do every year, we turned on the tree lights, read the biblical account of Jesus' birth, sang Happy Birthday to Him, and ate Jesus' birthday cake for breakfast. After the gifting was said and done, we were left with quiet days away from school and work where we spent time together playing games or watching tv, yet always turning on the tree lights just to savor the season a bit longer. So today as the lights were removed and the decorations put back in their boxes, we still have the scent but the season is slowly fading away. Tomorrow they will come and take the tree out of our apartment and we will be left with hundreds of needles as the only remaining proof that the tree was ever here. But thanks to the miracle of our hearts and minds that God has created in us, we will have all the memories of the season to sustain us and carry us though the next 9 months when September will arrive yet again and bring with it another batch of new holiday memories in the making. It all made me think about the cycles that life brings. How some things like the months and seasons are always going to go full circle and it's out of our hands. How other things are habits that may be harmful and we try to break those cycles - sometimes we are successful yet many times not so much. It got me thinking about the whole new years resolutions many people make. Though I am not one of those types, I can understand and appreciate the way of thinking that goes along with the promises made at the beginning of a new year. As I consider the cycles in my own life, the hamster wheels I've tried to get off and yet always seem to keep spinning on, I think the holiday season helps me realize something new. I think the repetitive cycles should be saved for the beautiful things that make us joyful inside and out, and the not so pretty ones need to be broken. Maybe I'm just rambling on and not making a word of sense, but I've come to realize there are things I've tried to change about me - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially - and yet the cycle of the negative behaviors always comes back. So I am going to try and focus on the good cycles that are worth repeating and work on ending the bad ones that cause negativity within and outside myself. Hopefully by the next holiday season I'll have some good stuff to share and blog about and I can look back on this post and feel some positive accomplishments. Until then I'll just focus on the beautiful things that I can always anticipate to come again, the positive, wonderful, awesome, beautiful things that good cycles bring.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7, 2012 - Super Simple Saturday

Nothing exciting today. No stolen cell phones, bad haircuts, or yelling paralegals. No doctors appointments, no overdrawn accounts - well unless you count the $1.90 I had to pay in late library fees. It was actually a wonderfully relaxing yet productive day. Did laundry, made my family breakfast, took a nice walk, went out to lunch, gathered papers for my taxes, watched Greys Anatomy with Amber and Jeopardy! too. Made meatloaf and baked potatoes for dinner. And here I am, watching The American President and writing here. So yeah, this isn't an exciting one. Sorry folks. Every once in a while I have a simple and basic day and today was it. And I'm peaceful and happy and relaxed - and that's a good thing.

Happy weekend y'all

- me

Friday, January 6, 2012

January 6, 2012 - Ya Win Some, Ya Lose Some, and Sometimes It Just gets Taken From Ya

Wow what a day! I don't even know where to begin. Okay for all of those who don't know it, I'm a Starbucks kinda gal. Gimmie an iced quad (4 espresso shots over ice) and I'm good to go. Well, this morning I decided to break in routine. I had gotten Anna to school early and had time to get a little bite to eat and a drink before heading to work. I walked into Starbucks but then decided I wanted something different. I then went over to Dunkin Donuts. The minute I walked in like 3 workers were ready to take my order and I hadn't even checked out the menu yet! After a minute another customer came in so they focused on her for a moment but then quickly asked me again, "Can I take your order?". Sheesh the pressure. So I decided on a tuna sandwich (don't judge me - their tuna is delish and not too mayonnaisey) and an iced tea. I was holding my daughters Nook eReader in one hand and was texting my friend Amy with the other. I had to retrieve my wallet from buried within my bag and pay. I did so and took my change and receipt and stepped over to wait for the food. After putting my change away I wanted to continue my text with Amy - but I couldn't find my phone. I turned my purse and pockets upside down and nothing. I musta lay the phone down on the counter for a brief moment to get my wallet and I do recall a guy pretty close behind me ordering a coffee. I asked the staff guy to review the camera video but he said it was locked and he could do nothing till the manager came. :( Oh man, I was so pissed that someone would do that. I had to call my boyfriend Daniel and tell him the phone, which he purchased for me recently and was in fact a nice shiney new white iPhone 4S, had been stolen. Anyhow I went to work and thank goodness my phone had the Find My iPhone' feature enabled. But unfortunately we were unable to get any signal, which I suspected the guy had gotten on the train which is right outside Dunkin Donuts. And to top it off I had my phone unlocked so there was no security code needed. DUHHH. So Daniel was able to set the phone to wipe clear all content remotely which it did like 10 minutes later. What a sucky way to start a Friday, huh? Anyhow I called DD later and they told me they have the guy recorded knocking my phone onto the little carpet and kicking it away a little to make it seem like it was his which dropped as he was leaving the store. Not nice! Then after all this I also see that my bank accounts overdrawn. It freaks me out a bit thinking somehow they figured out some of my bank info from my phone so quickly. But it's not the thiefs fault - it's because my building decided to cash a check I had used to reserve my rooftop party room but then canceled the party - from Last Month!!! GRRRRRRR! To make a long story short - kinda- Daniel wound up taking my old iPhone 3gS and having it reactivated. And thanks to Steve Jobs and the innovation at apple, all my info was synced in the cloud and everything from my 4 was saved and reinstalled on my 3 :) and without any additional fees at all. And in a weird twist, I have a potluck party scheduled on my roof for this month so that's seemingly already paid for. So I guess in the end it all worked out in one way or another without ending too terribly. So today I want to thank God for the ways He works things out, Daniel for knowing what to do and dealing with the phone, and Steve Jobs for all my stuff being stored and retrieved effortlessly.

Today's takeaways-
1- ALWAYS lock your phone with a pass code
2- protect your device with insurance (I didn't and a new phone will cost over $600 - hence me using my old 3GS!)
3- make sure to watch your checking account and the checks that should be returned to you
4- pay attention when people are close to you in a line
5- NEVER go in to Dunkin Donuts ( cuz you know in Starbucks this would never have happened! )

Happy weekend y'all


Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5, 2012 - Stream of Thoughts

It's amazing how the mind works. There I was at work this morning and as I usually do at the start of each workday, I checked out the new deals on Groupon. I want to find something fun and girlie to do with Amy and Lynne, my two best friends, on our planned Girls Day Out in the City in 2 weeks. There's always some sort of spa or mani/pedi package on there. (Ok, minus the haircut which actually has turned out to be wonderful after I came home and figured it out!). Well no good spa deals today, so then naturally I flip over to Living Social for their daily deals. Nothing great there either. I hit their little 'escapes' tab and my eyes shine with glee. I see all these wonderful trips and warm places that have some pretty good prices. But then my mind goes into 'then I'd hafta wear a bathing suit and also nice summer clothes', which then takes my mind to my joining Weight Watchers this coming Monday. I think of all the fun my kids would have if we went somewhere warm and fun, and that inspires me even more to get fitter. (more fit?? - whatever). Then I decide I will do it. I will get myself into a comfortable place physically over the next few months so we can do a vacation somewhere. But then there's the money. Hmmm, this leads me to think about starting a little vacation fund and putting away a few dollars each week. Hey, even if I never make it out of Manhattan I'll still have a few dollars saved up for next Christmas. I proceeded to spend the next 6 hours basically in la-la land on my iPad planning and researching and comparing all these vacation deals. It's one of the rare times I actually ran the battery down to less than 50% ! It's also a good thing my boss doesn't pay too much attention (although I really was still working.)  In the end my final goal is to go on an 8 night cruise to the Bahamas next January. That gives me enough time to save and lose. Haha! I'm so clever!

More thinking - now that the holidays are over and a New Year is here, it's time to get back to business with Goodiebites. I'll be working on my ideas for Valentine's cake pops. Think we'll also introduce some new flavors - perhaps a raspberry flavored cake pop - either chocolate raspberry cake inside or maybe a raspberry flavored coating. I welcome any cake pop thoughts or suggestions (heyyyy, not THOSE kinda suggestions!)

Here's my final parting thoughts -
1- Daydreaming sometimes formulates true life goals.
2- A day at work is a wonderful thing to waste (as long as you don't get docked)
3- Groupon is addictive.
4- Planning a vacation for next year really didn't help me at all decide what to do in 2 weeks.
5- My friends should order some cake pops at to help me raise vacation funds :)

- me

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 4, 2012 - An Average Day in My Above-Average Life

Hmmm. I just sat here for over 5 minutes thinking about what to write. There were no crazy events or big dramas today. Yet as I recounted the day I noticed a familiar thread - the beauty of family. It began with my train ride to school and work with my 10 year old daughter Annabelle. She shared her earbuds with me and had me listening to the Party Rock Anthem song the entire ride. She kept making her cuts little faces and movements to the beats. (although maybe I listened a little too long cuz I couldn't get that song out of my head all day!) Then my boyfriend Daniel came and took me to lunch. It was delicious, with good company, and a nice break from the boring work day - and best of all I didn't hafta pay for my lunch today!! Then it was back on the train home with Anna. I had to marvel at how mature she has become as she read her book and was completely oblivious to everything around her. Ahhhh they grow so fast! When I got home we decided on meatballs for dinner which Daniel and Amber decided to prepare together. It was a pleasure watching them work together in the kitchen - especially since I didn't hafta cook. Then we all sat together as a family and ate our crunchy- yes we like 'em that way- meatballs and spaghetti and salad. We talked and joked and enjoyed each other conversation. After dinner I smiled as I washed dishes and watched my girls huddled on the couch watching tv and laughing together. When it was time, I tucked Anna in and prayed with her as we do most nights. Then it was time for Jeopardy! with Amber. My mom would be proud that we record and watch it just like she used to. It was her favorite show and heaven forbid if you so much as coughed or sneezed while it was on. That was almost cause for a beat-down! ( and hey, what's up with the exclamation point on the end of the Jeopardy! title? Isn't that poor punctuation? ) And now here I sit, with Amber on my side reading, Annabelle asleep, Daniel chatting with Amber, the cats laying around, and everyone happy and content. No drama, no thrills and excitement, nothing funny or ridiculous to blog about, yet this simple and beautiful life I have is truly what happiness is all about. It's my blog about my life and I wouldn't change this simple beauty for all the excitement in the world. Ok time to go cuddle with my honey. Sweet dreams and goodnite.
- me

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3, 2012 - A Day of Grins, GRRR's and Great Decisions

It all began when I woke up, hearing the weather forecast and trying to decided what to wear that was warm and not too unflattering. I chose a seldom worn pair of jeans and a red sweater. I thought I looked okay, although seems my pants waist had shrunk since the last time I wore them a few weeks ago and my sweater hugged me just a bit tighter then I am comfortable with. But alas, at least I was warm. I took Anna to the eye doctor and then went in to work a bit late. The whole day I felt awkward and uncomfortable, which made me grouchy, which made me withdraw and retreat into quietness, which finally led me to make a decision. I have decided to get back on program and do Weight Watchers again. I know it works if I just pay attention to it. This past year my weight has risen more than the usual up/down fluctuations I tend to experience. I contribute a big factor to my cake pop business - not the business but the many samples I seem to have eaten during each pop order process. I thought back over the past year as Goodiebites, my cake pop company, grew. With all the pops I myself was popping my waistline grew as well. The cracked ones that didn't make it to the customer, the ones that weren't exactly even, or the color was off, or the stick was askew.... All those long lonely night popping sessions when I needed a sugar rush to keep me going, or wanted to sample, and sample again, and one last pop.... Yep, I can see where a few of those pounds came from. Plus not getting the proper amount of rest. And then there's exercise - oh how I hate to exercise!
While shopping yesterday with my girls, I kept seeing different items that I wold love to wear but not on this shape of mine. I was reminded of 4 years ago when I lost 19 pounds on WW and walked into H&M and didn't hafta look all the way in the backs of the rack at the bigger sizes. I walked out with so many clothes and had the best summer ever. Well, that's what I want again - a summer that tops even that one. So y'all, here goes my first on-blog commitment of 2012 - I will join WW next Monday ( the best meeting time for me) and be accountable to this blog and all who read it to get healthier. Lose a few pounds (or more), move more, and become the fitter Lisa I know I can be. I hope you all will cheer me on, inspire me, and even comfort me if at times I slip. Then in the summer we'll have a big pool party - although someone else will hafta supply the pool- and make 2012 the Summer to Remember.
As for now, I think I'll get started on that more rest and sleep thing. Goodnight :)

- me

PS - check out my cake pop website at and order some today. They really aren't as bad as I make them seem in this blog, unless you eat hundreds of them in a short amount of time. And then we'd need to have a little chat. Hey, next week I'll try and figure out how many WW points each pop is....Hmmmmm, maybe I'll even come out with a new Cake Pop Diet book. I'll frolic naked on the cover in a sea of cake pops and call it 'Rollin' In The Dough'. Okay, wait - lemmie spend a few months on Weight Watchers before this frolicking begins. Oh boy, I'm gonna give myself nightmares now! Goodnight for real!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2, 2012 - Shopping for Bargains

Yep, I figured there would still be some sales going on and hoped most people would be back at work which meant a smaller crowd. Boy was I in for a reality check! First stop, a hair cut. So I pay for and download a Groupon for a $25 wash, cut and style at some high-rated salon on 35th street. Sounds like a great deal to me. My daughters and I take the bus and arrive at 35th street, only to find the salon closed. Wahhh wahhhh. But next door is a salon that has a sign - '$15.95 for wash and cut'. I figure what the heck, let's do it. BAD MOVE! The lady cuts my hair and it looks like a hurricane hit me, chopping off my hair and leaving behind a head of despair and destruction! I tell the lady I don't like it at all. She tries to fix it, but alas I cut my losses and leave this Temple of Doom. Then it's off to find a planner and calendar for Amber (my 19 year old) at Barnes and Noble. But it seems that though it is only January 2nd, everyone in New York City has bought up all the nice stuff and we are left with a choice of either a Suicide Bunny cartoon calendar or ones for almost blind people that have huge block letters and numbers and nothing pretty or poetic to look at. FAIL. Then it's off to Burlington Coat Factory (which isn't only a coat store) to buy Annabelle, my 10 year old, a few necessities. As we are in the try on room, some drugged up lady starts ranting and raving how she's going to sue 'Bloomingdales' ( not realizing we are in Burlington ) because the elevator door 'jacked her up' and she's a paralegal. She then proceeds to try on a bustier over her clothing and saying how she's going to meet Obama and maybe needs to wear something a little more classy but this outfit will get her to Paris. Oye vey! At least we were entertained - well, at aleast until security came and took her away. Anyway, we find a few things to buy and then go back downstairs to get on line. Monday afternoon, 4pm, and the line looked the ones you see for American Idol tryouts! Damn who was I kidding about the shorter lines? It was ridiculous, but we stayed.....and stayed....and stayed some more until it was finally our turn at the register. At least they handed out 20% off coupons as we waited to make up for our suffering.
In the end, I came away with these new revelations which I am happy to share with you-
1- Don't try to skimp on your haircut. I'll be paying for my cheapness for the next few weeks :(
2- Don't wait until January to by a calendar. Start in November and you may wind up with some cute kitties to look at through the next year
3- Don't assume just because it's over a week after Christmas that there will be shorter lines. Bargain hunters never stop hunting.
4- Don't do drugs. (this one I already knew but now my kids know it too)
5- A bustier may not get you a date with the President but it will get you a trip to France.

- me

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1, 2012- New Year, New Blogpost

So here it is, day one of a whole new year. And what have I spent it doing? Well I made a nice breakfast for my family, did a few loads of laundry, put purple hilights in my 10 year olds hair, tried to fix a few of my own greys, and cleaned out old clothes from my dresser that either no longer fit or were just ugly and taking up space. The 'no longer fits' issue is always one I face. Seems since graduating from high school my weight has fluctuated up and down and up again, although basically settling into the same numerical space in the end. Well, until recently that was the case. Seems hitting 40 brought along a few extra pounds that have now replaced my old average. I'm not a New Years resolution maker - seems I never stick to things when I'm pressured into them. Plus I think it's kinda silly when people make physical resolutions to begin on January 1st. I mean, come on - we have the day off from work so do we really wanna spend the day eating carrots, celery and salad or sweating for hours at the gym and waste a full day to be lazy and eat junk? I think not. But hey, that's me and I enjoy chances to be a lazy bum since they seems to come so rarely. Plus if I did that, I'd hafta write it here in my reality blog and then be accountable to maintain my resolution when I'm not ready to commit yet. I do want to get fit - don't get me wrong. But first I have to figure out my course of action and a goal - at least a short term one- before I fully commit and publish it here for the world to see. I got an email from Weight Watchers today announcing that i csn join for FREE!! Those sneaky little people who prey on the subconscious thoughts we have floating around as us chubsters start yet another year on the plus side of our waistlines and minus side of our finances!! Well truth be told, I've done WW quite a few times in the past. I am a true believer in the program and it really isn't even difficult to follow. I've done very well when I've committed to the program which is basically just learning to eat real food in proper proportions and not overdo the junk. Nothing is off limits. But then after a while I get a know it all attitude and decide yeah I know the portion size and I can have a nibble of this and a cup of that and a bowl of the next thing and a quart of....well you get the idea. So I am once again considering it. If I do rejoin, I'll even scare y'all with the number on the scale. Ur oh, that would make me accountable and committed. Hmmm.....but then again, that's why I started this blog in the first place right? I'll keep ya posted - but right now I gotta go have a little bite of.....ummmm....errr......uhhh...a carrot. Yeah right!
Xoxo - me